Judaica Bohemiae LIX (0)
Judaica Bohemiae LVIII (0)
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Judaica Bohemiae XLVII-1 (47)
Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-2 (46)
Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-1 (46)
Judaica Bohemiae XLV-2 (45)
Judaica Bohemiae XLV-1 (45)
Judaica Bohemiae XLIV-2 (44)

Judaica Bohemiae LIX

JUDAICA BOHEMIAE LIX STUDIES AND ARTICLES Marie Buňatová: Credit Networks of Prague Jewish Financiers during the First Two Decades of the Seventeenth...
Judaica Bohemiae LIX
500,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LVIII

JUDAICA BOHEMIAE LVIII Jews and Non-Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: Attitudes, Strategies, Policies, and Practices STUDIES AND...
Judaica Bohemiae LVIII
400,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LVII - 2

JUDAICA BOHEMIAE LVII – 2 STUDIES AND ARTICLES Kajetán Holeček: Bohemian Jews in Poznań after 1541: Merchants, Rabbis and Exiles Iveta Cermanová:...
Judaica Bohemiae LVII - 2
400,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LVII - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES Lucie Storchová: The Jewish War, God’s Wrath and ‘the Most Unfortunate People’: Representations of the Jews and Judaism in Late...
Judaica Bohemiae LVII - 1
350,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LVI - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SPYRA Janusz, ‘Court Jews’ (‘Hofjuden’) in Remote Areas of Silesia: A Contribution to the Seventeenth-Century History of the...
Judaica Bohemiae LVI - 2
300,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LVI - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SOUKUP Daniel, Anti-Jewish Rhetoric of Canon Law: Ecclesiastical Legislation and Jews in the 14th-Century Bohemian Lands...
Judaica Bohemiae LVI - 1
300,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LV - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SPYRA Janusz, Grosse Politik in einer kleinen Gemeinde. Der Skandal um den Rabbiner Karl Blan aus Neu-Oderberg (Nový Bohumín)...
Judaica Bohemiae LV - 2
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae LV - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES CERMANOVÁ Iveta, Official Discussions about the Toleration of Jews in Bohemia: On the Circumstances Surrounding the Issuance of the so-called Edict of Toleration in 1781 /5–57/ HALLAMA Peter, Child Survivors and...
Judaica Bohemiae LV - 1
350,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LIV - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES JELÍNKOVÁ Andrea, “Ohncensurirte viel übles in sich enthaltende Bücher”: On the Registration and Censorship of Hebrew Books in...
Judaica Bohemiae LIV - 2
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit


Individuum und Gemeinde. Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien 1520 bis 1848 / Jedinec a obec. Židé v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku 1520–1848 TEUFEL...
300,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LIV - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES BUŇATOVÁ Marie, Trade Contacts between Prague Jews and Northern Italy and their Engagement in the Italian Commodity Trade in...
Judaica Bohemiae LIV - 1
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae LIII - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES KOCMAN Pavel, Zu den Umständen der Erteilung des Privilegiums für die mährischen Juden im Jahr 1629 /5–51/ VRZGULOVÁ...
Judaica Bohemiae LIII - 2
350,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LII - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SLÁDEK Pavel, Admiration and Fear: New Perspectives on the Personality of the Maharal /pp. 5-31/ CERMANOVÁ Iveta, The Ramschak...
Judaica Bohemiae LII - 2
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae LII - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES CERMANOVÁ Iveta, Anti-Jewish Violence in Prague, 1744, through Contemporary Eyes: The Testimony of Joseph Kirschner Shohet /pp....
Judaica Bohemiae LII - 1
350,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae LI - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SIXTOVÁ Olga, Mi yodea vi di litzidatzion auz fallen? Tradition and Capital in the Pinkas of Kolín Synagogue /pp. 5-40/ VESELSKÁ...
Judaica Bohemiae LI - 2
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae LI - 1

David Gans ( 1541-1613): A Reconsideration STUDIES AND ARTICLES PUTÍK Alexandr - POLAKOVIČ Daniel - ŠULC Jaroslav, New Findings about the Life...
Judaica Bohemiae LI - 1
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLVIII-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES BARÁNEK Daniel, Die Entstehung der 'emanzipatorischen' israelitischen Kultusgemeinden in Mähren und Schlesien (1848–1890)...
Judaica Bohemiae XLVIII-2
270,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLVIII-1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES SOUKUP Daniel, The Alleged Conversion of the Olomouc Rabbi Moses in 1425. Contribution to the Host Desecration Legends in...
Judaica Bohemiae XLVIII-1
270,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae L - 2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES REITINGER Lukáš - SOUKUP Daniel, The Krumlov Liber Depictus. On its Creation and Depiction of Jews /pp. 5-44/ KOCMAN Pavel, Die...
Judaica Bohemiae L - 2
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae L - 1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES STOKLÁSKOVÁ Zdeňka, The Academie Career of the Historian and Archivist Bertold Bretholz /pp. 5-42/ LHOTOVÁ Markéta - HAMÁČKOVÁ...
Judaica Bohemiae L - 1
350,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLIX-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES ŠPROCHA Branislav - TIŠLIAR Pavol, The Demographics of the Jewish Population of Slovakia between the Two World Wars /5–43/...
Judaica Bohemiae XLIX-2
270,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLIX-1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES MCDONALD William C., Michel Beheim’s Fifteenth-Century Polemical Song-Poem against a Converted Jew /5–26/ DAVIS Joseph M.,...
Judaica Bohemiae XLIX-1
270,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLVII-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES BUŇATOVÁ Marie, Commercial Relations between the Jews of Prague and Krakow in the Period before the Battle of White Mountain...
Judaica Bohemiae XLVII-2
270,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae XLVII-1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES MALIVÁNKOVÁ WASKOVÁ Marie, Die mittelalterliche jüdische Gemeinde in Pilsen (Plzeň) und die Frage ihres UntergangEinige...
Judaica Bohemiae XLVII-1
270,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES FRANKL Michal - TOMAN Jindřich, Jan Neruda and Jews: Texts and Contexts /5–6/ FRANKL Michal, "The Enchantment Has Gone"....
Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-2
300,00 Kč
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Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES RAMON Orit, 'One Hundred and Twenty Seven Provinces'. Political Reality, Political Thought, and Jewish Existence in Exile in...
Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-1
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLV-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES VESELSKÁ Magda, The Story of Hana Volavková (1904–1985) /5–39/ VOLAVKA Jan, Memories of My Mother /41–48/ NIEDHAMMER...
Judaica Bohemiae XLV-2
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLV-1

STUDIES AND ARTICLES FRANKL Michal, "Silver!" Anti-Jewish Riots in Bohemia, 1866 /5–34/ SHUMSKY Dimitry, Prague versus Jerusalem? National...
Judaica Bohemiae XLV-1
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

Judaica Bohemiae XLIV-2

STUDIES AND ARTICLES Pavel Sládek: Maharal’s Anthropology: Toward Defining the Limits of his Humanism Joseph Davis: The Legend of Maharal before the...
Judaica Bohemiae XLIV-2
300,00 Kč
Detail Koupit

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