Judaica Bohemiae XV/1-2

PAPERS Kárný, Miroslav: Das Theresienstädter Familienlager in Birkenau Sadek, Vladimír: Rabbi Loew - sa vie, héritage pédagogique et sa légende (a l´occasion de la 370 e anniversaire de sa mort) Nosek, Bedřich: The Old Jewish Cemetery at Mikulov Václavek, Ludvík: Der Lyriker V. A. Polák Šedinová, Jiřina: From the MSS Collections of the State Jewish Museum in Prague - The Scrolls of Esther Nosek, Bedřich: Auswahlkatalog hebräischer Drucke Prager Provenienz (Druckerei M.I.Landau, 1824-1853) Hamáčková, Vlastimila - Škochová, Jarmila: Cimetiere juif de Holešov NEWS The Exhibition "Old Prague Hebrew Prints Dating from the 16 th - 18 th Centuries" (V. Sadek) Modernization and Restoration of the Area of State Jewish Museum in Prague (Editors) The Restoration of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague (the Tombstones Belonging to the Members of the Spira Family and a Group of Tombstones Dating Back to the 17 th Century) (B. Nosek) A New Guide -Book to the Exhibition of the State Jewish Museum "The Silver Objects from Czech Synagogues" (V.Sadek)

Židovské muzeum v Praze, 1979
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