Judaica Bohemiae XLVIII-1
- SOUKUP Daniel, The Alleged Conversion of the Olomouc Rabbi Moses in 1425. Contribution to the Host Desecration Legends in Mediaeval Literature /5–38/
- LEININGER Vera, Legal Situation for the Purchase and Ownership of Immovable Property by Jews in Prague/Bohemia before the Emancipation /39–54/
- PLAVEC Michal, Lilly Steinschneider. The First Hungarian Female Pilot of Jewish Origin /55–78/
- EBELOVÁ Ivana, Census Lists of Jewish Families in Bohemia, 1723/1724–1811 /79–91/
- FRANKL Michal - LAWSON David, Jewish Ostrava: Virtual Community and Digital Archive. The Ostrava Group in London and the Jewish Museum in Prague /93–103/
- KOCMAN Pavel, A Nobleman’s Jew, a Jewish Nobleman. Jewish Elites and Jewish Nobility in the Early and Late Modern Periods /105–109/
- JÁNOŠÍKOVÁ Magdaléna, Heresy, Hetorodoxy and Conversion in Early Modern Europe /111–114/
- MALÁ Simona, The Land in Between - Three Centuries of Jewish Migration to, from and across Moravia, 1648–1948 /115–117/
- HALBINGER Monika, ,Avigdor, Beneš, Gitl'. Juden in Böhmen und Mähren im Mittelalter. Samuel Steinherz zum Gedenken (1857 Güssing - 1942 Theresienstadt) /119–126/
- SIXTOVÁ Olga (ed.), Hebrew Printing in Bohemia and Moravia (Rachel L. Greenblatt) /127–131/
- KUNTOŠ Jaroslav, Silver Judaica from the Collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague (Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek) /132–134/
- KOELTZSCH Ines, Geteilte Kulturen. Eine Geschichte der tschechisch-jüdisch-deutschen Beziehungen in Prag (1918–1938) (Tatjana Lichtenstein) /135–138/
- FIŠER Rudolf, Třebíč. Příběhy židovských familiantů (Martin Štindl) /139–141/
Kolektiv/Židovské muzeum v Praze
Vědecký časopis 1/2013. Uspořádali Iveta Cermanová a Alexandr Putík. 141 stran, černobílé obrazové přílohy, 16x23,5 cm.
270,00 Kč