Through the Labyrinth of Normalization

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Charter 77, a civic initiative demanding adherence to human and civil rights, was the most important form of resistance to the communist regime and normalization. The fortieth anniversary of its publication in 2017 provided an opportunity to present the situation of the Jewish community during the normalization period, undeniably unique on the one hand while on the other a microcosm in which similar processes no less intense than those affecting society at large were taking place. The catalogue presents concrete cases of StB operations against Jewish communities, the dilemmas faced by community members, and the involvement of several members in dissident and other activities outside the official scope of Jewish communities. Normalization also entailed the destruction of Jewish cemeteries, the demolition of synagogues, and the obstruction of research and study into the fate of Jews during the Second World War as well as policies that nearly eradicated Judaism completely. The catalogue features photographs depicting daily Jewish life, the efforts made to preserve it despite the coordinated attempts of the communist regime to suppress any sort of meaningful activity, especially the passing down of Jewish traditions from one generation to the next. Brought together from a number of archives, the majority of the unique documents and photographs were exhibited and published for the very first time.

Židovské muzeum v Praze/2017
Martin Šmok
Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. paperback book, 112 pp., 21 x 22 cm

Cena: 160,00 Kč