photography and new media

A rabbi and his wife
Unknown artist, Undated, 1850s, Pannotype, 15.3 x 12.9 cm, Unsigned
acquired between 1906 and 1939 from an unidentified source, in the prewar Jewish Museum’s collection. Acc. No. JMP 79.629

Portrait of a married couple
Unknown artist, Undated, 1850s, Daguerrotype, 13 x 10.5 cm (opened: 25.5 x 10.5 cm), Unsigned
zowned by Ludvík Brandeis (1898–1944/45) of Prague; 1943–44 deposited at the Treuhandstelle in Prague and in 1944 included
in the collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague, where it has remained Acc. No. JMP 79.798

Female dual portrait
P.H. Rupp Atelier, New York, Undated, 1850s, Ambrotype, 9.5 x 8.2 cm (opened: 9.5 x 16.5 cm), Signed in a blind-stamp on both passe-partouts inserted in a pasteboard etui: P.H. RUPP 145 2 D ST. N.Y. / 207 Bowery N.Y.
owned by MuDr. Rudolf Kohner (1898–1943) of Prague; 1942–43/44 deposited at the Treuhandstelle in Prague and no later
than 1944 included in the collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague, where it has remained. Acc. No. JMP 27.630

Joachim Seinfeld (1962), Undated (1999), Spatial installation consisting of five monumental photographic images on glass (195 x 61.5 cm and 78.5 x 60.5 cm) and five gelatin silver prints on watercolor paper (40 x 40 cm. Unsigned
purchased in 2005 directly from the artist. Acc. No. JMP 178.785/01-10