Judaica Bohemiae VIII/1-2 (8)
Judaica Bohemiae VII/1-2 (7)
Judaica Bohemiae VI/1,2 (6)
Judaica Bohemiae V/1,2 (5)
Judaica Bohemiae IV/1,2 (4)
Judaica Bohemiae III/1,2 (3)
Judaica Bohemiae II/1,2 (2)
Judaica Bohemiae I (1)
Prague Synagogues (Hebrew-Japanese-Russian) (216)
Židé v Čechách 4 [The Jews in Bohemia 4] (214)
Adolf Kohn – Painter of the Prague Ghetto (60)
Jarmila Mařanová – Kafka and Prague (59)
Cesta života (0)
Melissa Shiff – Reframing Ritual: Postmodern Jewish Wedding (56)
Mark Podwal – Jewish Magic (55)
Mountain of Mountains (54)
Images of the Prague Ghetto (52)
O svitku (51)
May God Let Him Grow (50)
“Hope is on the Next Page” – 100 Years of the Library of the Jewish Museum in Prague (49)
The Unkown Michel Fingesten (48)
Alexander Brandeis and Adolf Wiesner – Patron of Arts and his Son-in-Law (47)
Emil Orlik – Portraits and Friends and Contemporaries (45)
Josef Polák – The Man Who Never Gave Up: The Story of Josef Polak (1886-1945) (44)
Jiří Jílovský – Prague Painter and Graphic Artist (43)
Jaroslav RÓNA – Parables. A selection of works, 1999–2008 (42)
Mazal tov - Hodně štěstí - Good Luck (41)
Hella Guth – Dissolved Figures (40)
Helga Hošková-Weissová – Paintings and Drawings (39)

Judaica Bohemiae VIII/1-2

PAPERS Šedinová, Jiřina: Non-Jewish Sources in the Chronicle by Davis Gans, "Tsemah David" Sadek, Vladimír: The MSS Collections of the State Jewish Museum in Prague. Manuscript Works by Jewish Scholars in Bohemia and Moravia (18th-19th...
Judaica Bohemiae VIII/1-2
7,08 €
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Judaica Bohemiae VII/1-2

PAPERS Heřman, Jan: Jewish Community Archives from Bohemia and Moravia. Analytical registers to the catalogue of archive materials from Jewish Communities with the exception of that of Prague, drawn by K. Dolista and J. Šmolka Analytical...
Judaica Bohemiae VII/1-2
7,08 €
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Judaica Bohemiae VI/1,2

PAPERS Nosek, Bedřich - Sadek, Vladimír: Georgio Diodato und David von Oppenheim Heřman, Jan: The Conflict between Jewish and non-Jewish Population in Bohemia before the 1541BC Banishment Franková, Anita: Erfassung der jüdischen Bevölkerung...
Judaica Bohemiae VI/1,2
5,00 €
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Judaica Bohemiae V/1,2

PAPERS Katz, Elias: Machsor pragensis Heřman, Jan: La communauté juive de Prague et sa structure au commencement des temps modernes (la premiere moitié du 16e siecle) Trost, Pavel: Une mystification de Siegfried Kapper Vilímková, Milada:...
Judaica Bohemiae V/1,2
5,00 €
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Judaica Bohemiae IV/1,2

PAPERS Krejčí, Karel: Les légendes juives pragoises Heřman, Jan: Die wirtschaftlische Betätigung und die Berufe der Prager Juden von ihrer Ausweisung im Jahre 1541 Kestenberg-Gladstein, Ruth: Čechen und Juden in altväterischen Zeit Sadek,...
Judaica Bohemiae IV/1,2
5,00 €
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Judaica Bohemiae III/1,2

PAPERS Polišenský, Josef: Histoire juive, historie économique et histoire générale Heřman, Jan: Le facteur économique dans l´historiographie juive Sadek, Vladimír: Le systeme cosmologique de Shabtaj Sheftl ben Akiba Horowitz (vers 1565-1619)...
Judaica Bohemiae III/1,2
5,00 €
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Judaica Bohemiae II/1,2

PAPERS Muneles, Otto: Zur Namengebung der Juden in Böhmen Heřman, Jan: Documentation des épitaphes juives en Boheme Hráský, Josef: La corporation juive d´orfevrerie a Prague Katz, Elias: Eine Misrachtafel Benda, Vilém: Musée qui devient...
Judaica Bohemiae II/1,2
5,00 €
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Judaica Bohemiae I

PAPERS Ryneš,Václav: L´incendie de la synagogue du faubourg du chateau de Prague en 1142. Contribution a la histoire des débuts de la ville juive pragoise. Heřman, Jan: Das Steurregister der Prager Juden aus dem Jahre 1540 (1528) Sadek,...
Judaica Bohemiae I
5,00 €
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Prague Synagogues (Hebrew-Japanese-Russian)

This book deals with the history and current state of seven of the most prominent synagogues in Prague. It features detailed architectural and historical...
Prague Synagogues  (Hebrew-Japanese-Russian)
16,25 €
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Židé v Čechách 4 [The Jews in Bohemia 4]

The proceedings of the 4th seminar on the history of the Jews in Bohemia, which was held in October 2012 and organized by the Jewish Museum in Prague in...
Židé v Čechách 4 [The Jews in Bohemia 4]
6,46 €
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Adolf Kohn – Painter of the Prague Ghetto

A small monograph on Adolf Kohn, a Prague painter from the first half of the 20th century, with 103 full-colour reproductions of his oil paintings. Kohn...
Adolf Kohn – Painter of the Prague Ghetto
2,08 €
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Jarmila Mařanová – Kafka and Prague

Catalogue for the exhibition at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Jarmila Mařanová (b. 1922) studied at the School of Applied Arts in Prague and...
Jarmila Mařanová – Kafka and Prague
2,50 €
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Melissa Shiff – Reframing Ritual: Postmodern Jewish Wedding

Catalogue for Canadian artist Melissa Shiff’s project which offers an alternative look at the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. Led by an effort to...
Melissa Shiff – Reframing Ritual: Postmodern Jewish Wedding
0,63 €
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Mark Podwal – Jewish Magic

Catalogue for an exhibition of Mark Podwal's artworks featured at the Robert Guttmann Gallery.
Mark Podwal – Jewish Magic
3,33 €
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Mountain of Mountains

This catalogue is a presentation of the artist’s large-scale projects for the deserts of Israel (chiefly the Judean and the Negev), which Aleš Veselý has...
Mountain of Mountains
3,33 €
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Images of the Prague Ghetto

Publikace k výstavě k 100. výročí vzniku Židovského muzea v Praze obsahuje více než 250 barevných vyobrazení nejzajímavějších uměleckých dokumentů z...
Images of the Prague Ghetto
4,79 €
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O svitku

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. It presents various types of one of the earliest book forms –...
O svitku
3,33 €
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May God Let Him Grow

This book is the result of almost five years’ research that was undertaken between 2004–2009 by staff at the Jewish Museum in Prague on the available donated...
May God Let Him Grow
8,13 €
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“Hope is on the Next Page” – 100 Years of the Library of the Jewish...

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Robert Guttmann Gallery – the first detailed look at the history of the Library of the Jewish Museum in...
“Hope is on the Next Page” – 100 Years of the Library of the Jewish Museum in Prague
4,17 €
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The Unkown Michel Fingesten

Catalogue for the exhibition the same name the Museum's Guttmann Gallery, one of the most well-known graphic artists in pre-war Berlin who is almost...
The Unkown Michel Fingesten
3,33 €
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Alexander Brandeis and Adolf Wiesner – Patron of Arts and his...

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Alexander Brandeis (1848-1901) was a patron of the arts and a...
Alexander Brandeis and Adolf Wiesner – Patron of Arts and his Son-in-Law
3,33 €
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Emil Orlik – Portraits and Friends and Contemporaries

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. It is a small monograph on Emil Orlik, the famous early...
Emil Orlik – Portraits and Friends and Contemporaries
2,50 €
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Josef Polák – The Man Who Never Gave Up: The Story of Josef Polak...

Catalogue for the exhibition at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery (2 February – 19 March 2006), focusing on Josef Polák, an important art...
Josef Polák – The Man Who Never Gave Up: The Story of Josef Polak (1886-1945)
4,17 €
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Jiří Jílovský – Prague Painter and Graphic Artist

Catalogue for the exhibition of works by the artist Jiří Jilovský (1884-1958) that was held at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Jilovský is known...
Jiří Jílovský – Prague Painter and Graphic Artist
2,50 €
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Jaroslav RÓNA – Parables. A selection of works, 1999–2008

Catalogue for the exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Jaroslav Róna, 1999–2008, which was held at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann...
Jaroslav RÓNA – Parables. A selection of works, 1999–2008
3,33 €
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Mazal tov - Hodně štěstí - Good Luck

Catalogue for an exhibition at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery that focuses on the traditional wedding ceremony. The photographs, garments,...
Mazal tov - Hodně štěstí - Good Luck
4,17 €
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Hella Guth – Dissolved Figures

Catalogue for the exhibition of artworks by Hella Guth at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Hella Guth (1908–1992) studied in Prague in the 1930s,...
Hella Guth – Dissolved Figures
2,50 €
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Helga Hošková-Weissová – Paintings and Drawings

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery, marking the artist’s 80th birthday. Helga Hošková-Weissová was...
Helga Hošková-Weissová – Paintings and Drawings
2,50 €
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