The price list is divided into two parts according to the JMP’s departments and sections (budget centres) which provide the services in question (the number of the budget centre and the name of the relevant department are stated at the top of each part). One part is common to all the departments.

Research queries, information retrievals, and requests for information based on searching for and excerpting relevant archival materials, finding aids, documentary materials and other specialist resources are chargeable if they take more than 60 minutes to complete.

The prices of services are given in Czech Crowns (CZK). For payments from other countries, the prices will be converted to U.S. Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR) according to the current exchange rate. The JMP only accepts payments in CZK, USD and EUR. Services will be invoiced and are payable through a bank transfer or in cash at the JMP’s economic department (on workdays, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.).

The JMP’s services are provided by its departments (budget centres):

  • Price list of services provided by all of the JMP’s departments
  • Price list of services provided by the JMP’s individual departments

02 – Specialist services
03 – Development and PR Department
04 – Department of Jewish History 
05 – Collections Department
08 – Education and Culture Department
12 – Library Department
13 – Archives Department
14 – Department of ICT Infrastructure Management and Digitization Processes
06 – Department of Visitor Services

* The amounts stated in the price list are final. Under Section 61(e) of the Act No. 235/2004 Coll., certain transactions are exempt from VAT; these are marked with an asterisk (*) after the applicable amount in the Price List.
** The lecturer’s travel expense to and from the lecture venue will be added to the price of a lecture given outside the JMP’s premises.

Price list of services provided by all of the JMP’s departments

02 – Specialist services

I. Specialist services

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Lecture Lecturer´s fee   hour 2,000 CZK
Specialist consultation     hour 1,500* CZK
Retrieval of information from the JMP’s collections and fonds     hour 1,200* CZK
Other specialist services     hour 1,500* CZK
Supervision during filming specialist member of staff more than 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 1,500* CZK
Supervision during filming security staff member more than 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 800 CZK
Handling fee cost of packaging parcel up to 5 kg item 60 CZK
Handling fee cost of packaging parcel over 5 kg item individually
Handling fee cost of packaging envelope up to 1 kg item 40 CZK
Postage based on Czech Post’s current price list based on the actual costs
Administrative operation operation 70 CZK


*The amounts stated in the price list are final. Under Section 61(e) of the Act No. 235/2004 Coll., certain transactions are exempt from VAT; these are marked with an asterisk (*) after the applicable amount in the Price List.

** The lecturer’s travel expense to and from the lecture venue will be added to the price of a lecture given outside the JMP’s premises.


I. Permission for the use of reproductions

Copyright in the Czech Republic is governed by the provisions of the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll., as amended. Fees and payments for services can only be reduced or waived in exceptional cases, notably if there is reciprocity between the applicant and the JMP, or in relation to another situation that is worthy of special consideration. The decision to reduce fees for services and reproduction use shall be taken solely by the JMP’s legal representative.

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Administrative fee one-off fee regardless of the number of items permission 750 CZK
Permission for the reproduction of archival materials from the JMP’s Archives and photographs from the JMP’s Photo Archive 1) 2) for non-profit purposes and for the purposes of student and academic papers item free of charge + digitization fee
Permission for the reproduction of collection items 3)   for non-profit purposes and for the purposes of student and academic papers item 150 CZK + digitization fee
Permission for the reproduction of collection items 3), photographs from the JMP’s Photo Archive2) and archival materials from the JMP’s Archives 2) in an edition of up to 600 copies for other purposes item CZK 1,800 + digitization fee
Permission for the reproduction of collection items 3), photographs from the JMP’s Photo Archive2) and archival materials from the JMP’s Archivessup 2) in an edition of over 600 copies for other purposes item CZK 3,600 + digitization fee
1) In respect of the legal norm of Decree No. 192/2009 Coll., there is no fee for the use of reproductions of archival materials for scholarly purposes (academic and research journals, collections of papers, stand-alone studies, monographs, book editions, exhibition catalogues) or for educational purposes (teaching aids). For the scholarly use of reproductions of archival materials, it is always necessary to provide a citation, which must include at least the name of the archive that oversees the archival materials and the name of the archival group that contains the archival materials. Use of the reproductions without a citation is deemed to be for commercial purposes.
2) A fee is charged for digitization/scanning. The fee for providing a digital copy of already digitized material is CZK 25 per item. The fee for scanning material that has not yet been digitized is CZK 30 per item (up to A4 format), CZK 60 per item (up to A3 format), CZK 300 per item (large formats up to A0).
3) A digitization fee is only charged when there is a need for rescanning (CZK 400–800 per item, depending on the difficulty of the task) or for taking a photograph (CZK 2,500 per item).

II. Permission to photograph and film on the JMP’s premises

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Permission to film or video 1) day by agreement
Permission to photograph for other than personal purposes as specified in the JMP’s Visitor Regulations     hour 3 600 CZK
Permission to photograph inside the Pinkas Synagogue is free of charge for Shoah survivors and their relatives      
1) A copy of the film script approved by the JMP’s legal representative must be attached to the filming permit application.

III. Permission to display advertisements on the JMP’s premises, in the media or in the JMP’s printed materials

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Visibility in the JMP’s audiovisual elements/media   year 9 450 CZK
Visibility on the JMP’s printed matter, entry tickets or other material printed by the JMP     item by agreement


I. Specialist services

Information retrieval involves ascertaining the required information and drawing up a comprehensive report based on retrieving and taking excerpts from archival materials, finding aids and other specialist resources. Fees can only be reduced or waived in exceptional cases, notably if there is reciprocity between the applicant and the JMP, or in relation to another situation that is worthy of special consideration.

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
See the price list of services provided by all of the JMP’s departments  


I. Specialist services

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Processing of applications for the issuance of sale and export certificates for objects of cultural value, except for sacred and liturgical objects (pursuant to Section 6(2) of Act No. 71/1994 Coll.) administrative fee   item 600 CZK
Supervision during filming specialist member of staff more than 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 1 500* CZK
Supervision during filming security staff member more than 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 800 CZK

II. Administrative fees for processing loans of items from the JMP’s collections

Administrative fees for processing loans of items from the JMP’s collections to borrowers in the Czech Republic and abroad shall apply even if the loan in question does not proceed for any reason. Administrative fees are charged for carrying out basic searches in the registration records and depositories, selecting the exhibits, determining the condition and cost of restoring the exhibits, providing a detailed description of the exhibits (beyond the scope of first-level record-keeping) and preparing condition reports, etc. Fees for the loan of a data logger shall cover the actual costs associated with its preparation, consignment or use (see specifications below). The fees do not cover the cost of conserving/restoring/mounting the exhibits (see actual costs), photographing and providing images of the exhibits, securing the necessary rights for the exhibits (see Price List – budget centres 3 and 14) or undertaking complex provenance searches, and do not include insurance, shipping and courier costs. Administrative fees can only be reduced or waived in exceptional cases, notably if there is reciprocity between the applicant and the JMP, or in relation to another situation that is worthy of special consideration. The decision to reduce or waive an administrative fee shall be taken solely by the JMP’s legal representative. In the event of non-compliance with Paragraph 1 of Article I of the “Conditions for Borrowing Items from the JMP’s Collections for Exhibition Purposes”, a 50 percent penalty shall be added to the fee.

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Administrative fee for processing the loan of an item from the JMP’s collections or from its auxiliary fonds, including 2) 1 item administrative fee item 1 000* CZK
Administrative fee for arranging an extension of the loan period for an item from the JMP’s collections or from its auxiliary fonds jednorázově administrative fee item 1 000* CZK
Two finials = 1 item. Several paintings and drawings grouped together under a single inventory number = the actual number of individual items.

III. Storage

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Storage of items owned by a third party in the JMP’s depositories storage fee   item/month min. CZK 250 The amount is set by agreement between the depositor and the storer
Storage of items owned by a third party in the JMP’s depositories insurance     based on actual costs*

IV. Other services

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Cleaning, conservation, re-conservation and repair of returned collection pieces       based on the mutually approved restoration process and on the actual costs
Loan of a wooden frame for mounting     each month started/item 400 CZK
Mounting (matting, framing)       based on actual costs*
Loan of a Comet data logger one-off administrative fee for the loan and use of a data logger for each year started   year 600 CZK
Cost refund for long-term use (more than 1 year) cost of replacing the battery and calibrating the data logger, including postage     based on actual costs*

08 – Education and Culture Department

I. Specialist services

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Course for obtaining a JMP guide licence Prague including issuance of licence + ID card course 4 000 CZK
One-day refresher course for obtaining a JMP guide licence Prague   course 1 200 CZK
Consultation on the course for obtaining a JMP guide licence Prague   hour 500 CZK
Test resit relating to the course for obtaining a JMP guide licence Prague   test 300 CZK
Issuance of a duplicate JMP guide licence Prague   piece 100 CZK
Lecture + tour Prague   person 100* CZK
Workshop + tour  Prague   person 100* CZK
Sunday workshop for children Prague   person 90* CZK
Suburban camp for children Prague 5 days person 4 500* CZK
Freiwillige Terezín Prague   person 120* CZK
Programmes for the disabled Prague   person 10* CZK
Foreign-language groups Prague   person 200* CZK
Seminar for students at the Education and Culture Department in Prague Prague   person 160* CZK
External seminar for students  Prague   person 100* CZK
Seminars for teachers Prague if implemented under a Ministry of Education grant   free of charge
Lecture Brno   person 60* CZK
Workshop Brno   person 60* CZK
Suburban camp for children Brno 5 days person 4 000* CZK
Synagogue guided tour Brno   person 60* CZK
Guided tour of the Jewish cemetery   Brno   person 60* CZK

II. Loan of exhibition panels

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Loan of JMP exhibition panels without packaging, handling or transportation costs   exhibition free of charge

III. Subleasing halls at the JMP’s Education and Culture Department in Prague and subleasing JMP sites

Subleasing prices are set at a minimum amount. The prices may be increased according to the terms of a specific sublease agreement. For regular events, the JMP’s legal representative may provide a discount to the sublessee. For all of the following events (with the exception of subleases for bar/bat mitzvah ceremonies, weddings and rehearsals) there will be an additional one-off fee for cleaning the premises in the amount of CZK 1,750 per event and for the actual number of hours worked by the JMP’s security staff members.

SERVICE Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Security security staff member over 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 800 CZK
Cleaning + hall preparation one-off fee CZK 1,750

III.B Subleasing the Spanish Synagogue

SERVICE Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Subleasing commercial sublease half a day (4 hours) 140 000 CZK
Subleasing commercial sublease whole day (8 hours) 280 000 CZK
Evening event (concert) commercial sublease incl. preparation and post-event cleaning event 70 000 CZK
Rehearsal commercial sublease incl. security and cleaning hour 6 000 CZK
Religious service (max. 3 hours) worship and ceremonies event 5 000 CZK
Circumcision, bar/bat mitzvah (max. 3 hours) worship and ceremonies incl. security and cleaning and permission to photograph and film event 44 000 CZK
Wedding up to 50 guests (max. 2 hours) worship and ceremonies incl. security and cleaning and permission to photograph and film event 44 000 CZK
Wedding up to 150 guests (max. 2 hours) worship and ceremonies incl. security and cleaning and permission to photograph and film event 55 000 CZK

III.C Subleasing the Pinkas Synagogue

SERVICE Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Subleasing cannot be subleased for commercial purposes
Religious service worship and ceremonies hour 2 500 CZK

III.D Subleasing the Klausen Synagogue

SERVICE Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Subleasing commercial sublease half a day (4 hours) 50 000 CZK
Subleasing commercial sublease half a day (8 hours) 100 000 CZK
Evening event (corporate) commercial sublease incl. preparation and post-event cleaning 40 000 CZK

III.E Subleasing the Klausen Synagogue

SERVICE Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Subleasing commercial sublease half a day (4 hours) 70 000 CZK
Subleasing commercial sublease half a day (8 hours) 140 000 CZK
Evening event (concert) commercial sublease incl. preparation and post-event cleaning 50 000 CZK
Rehearsal commercial sublease incl. security and cleaning hour 4 000 CZK

13 – Archives Department

I. Consultations, research, specialist services, administrative fees, handling fees

Information retrieval involves ascertaining the required information and drawing up a comprehensive report based on retrieving and taking excerpts from archival materials, finding aids and other specialist resources.

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
See the price list of services provided by all of the JMP’s departments

II. Copying services for items in the JMP’s Archives

The charging of fees for the use of reproductions (copies) of archival materials is dealt with by the JMP’s co-ordinator for reproduction use rights, copyright, JMP permits and sales (see Price List – Budget Centre 3). The Archives Department’s fees for copying services are set out on the basis of valid legal norms (specifically, Act No. 499/2004 Coll. on Archives and Records Management and amending certain laws, as last amended, and in accordance with Decree No. 645/2004 Coll., which implements certain provisions of the Act on Archives and Records Management and amending certain laws, as last amended). There is no charge for remotely viewing digital reproductions of archival materials. All newly made digital reproductions have a colour depth of 24 bits or higher, a basic resolution 300 dpi, in JPG, PDF/A, TIFF, PNG or RAW formats without graphic editing.
Consent to the one-off use of reproductions of archival materials:
The use of reproductions of archival materials for scholarly purposes (academic and research journals, collections of papers, stand-alone studies, monographs, book editions, exhibition catalogues) or for educational purposes (teaching aids) is free of charge.
For the scholarly use of reproductions of archival materials, it is always necessary to provide a citation, which must include at least the name of the archive that oversees the archival materials and the name of the archival group that contains the archival materials. Use of the reproductions without a citation is deemed to be for commercial purposes.

II.A Photocopying

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Xerox copy A4 single-sided, B&W from loose sheets item 5 CZK
Xerox copy A3 single-sided, B&W from loose sheets item 8 CZK
Xerox copy A4 single-sided, B&W from bound sheets item 7 CZK
Xerox copy A3 single-sided, B&W from bound sheets item 12 CZK
Xerox copy A4 double-sided, B&W from loose sheets item 8 CZK
Xerox copy A3 double-sided,B&W from loose sheets item 12 CZK
Xerox copy A4 double-sided, B&W from loose sheets item 17 CZK
Xerox copy A3 double-sided, B&W from loose sheets item 22 CZK
Xerox copy A4 single-sided, colour from loose sheets item 25 CZK
Xerox copy A3 single-sided, colour from loose sheets item 38 CZK
Xerox copy A4 single-sided, colour from bound sheets item 33 CZK
Xerox copy A4 single-sided, colour from bound sheets item 46 CZK

II.B Scanning (2D digital reproductions)

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Scanning up to and including A4   page 30 CZK
Scanning up to and including A3   page 60 CZK
Scanning large formats - up to and including A0+   page 300 CZK

II.C Digital images (taken with a camera)

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Digital photography up to and including A3   photo 120 CZK
Digital photography larger than A3   photo 300 CZK

II.D Provision of copies of previously digitized items

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Digital photography up to and including A3   photo 25 CZK

II.E Recording data onto CD/DVD

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Recording data onto CD incl. provision of CD    operation 40 CZK
Recording data onto DVD incl. provision of DVD   operation 60 CZK

III. Filming of materials from archival collections

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Filming of materials from archival collections     each hour started 700 CZK
The amounts specified in the Price List are definitive for consumers. Pursuant to Section 61(e) of the Value Added Tax Act, No. 235/2004 Coll., the Museum is exempt from VAT for certain services. Such services are indicated with an asterisk (*) after the applicable amount in the Price List.

12 – Library Department

I. Administrative fees for processing loans of items from the JMP’s collections

Administrative fees for processing loans of items from the JMP’s collections to borrowers in the Czech Republic and abroad shall apply even if the loan in question does not proceed for any reason. Administrative fees are charged for carrying out basic searches in the registration records and depositories, selecting the exhibits, determining the condition and cost of restoring the exhibits, providing a detailed description of the exhibits (beyond the scope of first-level record-keeping) and preparing condition reports, etc. Fees for the loan of a data logger shall cover the actual costs associated with its preparation, consignment or use (see specifications below). The fees do not cover the cost of conserving/restoring/mounting the exhibits (see actual costs), photographing and providing images of the exhibits, securing the necessary rights for the exhibits (see Price List – budget centres 3 and 14) or undertaking complex provenance searches, and do not include insurance, shipping and courier costs. Administrative fees can only be reduced or waived in exceptional cases, notably if there is reciprocity between the applicant and the JMP, or in relation to another situation that is worthy of special consideration. The decision to reduce or waive an administrative fee shall be taken solely by the JMP’s legal representative. In the event of non-compliance with Paragraph 1 of Article I of the “Conditions for Borrowing Items from the JMP’s Collections for Exhibition Purposes”, a 50 percent penalty shall be added to the fee.

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Administrative fee for loaning out books from the JMP’s collections 1 book administrative fee item 2 000* CZK
Administrative fee for extending the loan period of books from the JMP’s collections one-off fee administrative fee 1 000* CZK

II. Copying services

The tasks and fees set forth in the price list of the JMP’s Library Department are subject to the following legal regulations: the Library Act No. 257/2001 Coll., as amended, and the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll., as amended.

II. A Photocopying and printing

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Xerox copy A4 single-sided   item 3 CZK
Xerox copy A4 double-sided   item 5 CZK
Xerox copy A3 single-sided   item 4 CZK
Xerox copy A3 double-sided   item 7 CZK
Colour photocopying+ print A4   item 25 CZK
Colour photocopying+ print A3   piece 38 CZK

II. B Scanning

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Document scanning (up to 20 sides) A4, A3 digital copy from material in good condition (issued after 1860 year) piece 30 CZK
Scanning of documents in poor physical condition or issued before 1860     see the price list of the JMP’s Department for IT Infrastructure Management and Digitization   Processes – scanning work

III. Other services

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Issuance or extension of a library card valid for 1 year standard price year 120* CZK
Issuance or extension of a library card valid for 1 year price for students and senior citizens year 60* CZK
Temporary library card valid for 1 year day 10* CZK
Sending a reminder reminder based on actual costs based on actual costs*
Fine for an overdue item     day / book (for each day overdue 2* CZK
Fine for loss of a library card       30* CZK
Inter-library loan service in the Czech republic For individuals   item fee set by lending library*
Inter-library loan service in the Czech republic for libraries (in the Czech republic and abroad) based on Czech Post’s current price list book based on actual costs*
Inter-library loan service in the Czech republic (photocopies) for libraries (in the Czech republic and abroad) up to 10 pages page free of charge

IV. Storage

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Storage of items belonging to a third party in the JMP’s depositories storage fee item/month min. CZK 250
Storage of items belonging to a third party in the JMP’s depositories insurance based on actual costs*

14 – Department of ICT Infrastructure Management and Digitization Processes

I. Production of photographs

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Production of photographs from negatives and digital images Positive B&W / colour, max A3 A4 format item 300 CZK

II. Work by the Museum’s photographer

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Photography collection item   photo 3 000 CZK
Photography documentation of interiors and exteriors   photo 3 000 CZK
Photography reportage   photo 800 CZK
Photography Pinkas Synagogue inscriptions   photo 800 CZK

III. Work done by the JMP’s scanner operator

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Scanning up to and including A4   scan 500 CZK
Scanning up to and including A3   scan 1 000 CZK
Scanning data editing as required   hour 1200 CZK

06 – Department of Visitor Services

I. Provision of a security personnel

Service Specification 1 Specification 2 UNIT Price per UNIT
Security security staff member more than 8 hours per day + 25 % hour 800 CZK