Exhibitions archive

From 25. 07. To 10. 12. 2009

"May God Let Him Grow Ceremonies for a Child's Birth in the Culture and Customs of Bohemian and Moravian Jews "

From 25. 07. 2009 to 10. 12. 2009

every day except for Saturdays and Jewish holidays 9a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Praha 1

The birth of a child is one of the most important events for a family and community no matter what the culture or religion. Parents the world over wish for nothing more than to bring into the world a healthy child whom they will be able to properly raise in a stable and safe community.

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From 04. 06. To 05. 10. 2009

Path of Life: Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel (ca. 1525–1609)

From 04. 06. 2009 to 05. 10. 2009

Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Prague 1
From 4 June until 4 October 2009
 The exhibition is open every day except for Saturdays and Jewish holidays 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

 The Golem – the famous creature that Rabbi Loew is said to have created during the reign of Rudolf II. The Jewish Museum in Prague gives everyone the opportunity to wake up their own imaginary golem. A golem hidden in a tactile sculpture by Petr Nikl. Draw with your finger, light and music.

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From 29. 01. To 10. 05. 2009

Jaroslav Róna – Parables. A selection of works, 1999 – 2008

From 29. 01. 2009 to 10. 05. 2009

open every day except for Saturdays and Jewish holidays
from 29 January until 27 March 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.,
from 29 March until 10 May 9 a.m. – 6 p.m

Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Praha 1

"The Enigma of Róna’s Paintings The themes of Róna’s paintings cover a vast expanse, from the origin of worlds and ancient cultures to distant cosmic civilisations. "

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From 25. 09. To 04. 01. 2008

Jarmila Mařanová. Kafka and Prague

From 25. 09. 2008 to 04. 01. 2009

open every day except for Saturdays and Jewish holidays
from 25 September until 24 October 2008 from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.;
from 26 October 2008 until 4 January 2009 from 9 a.m. till 4.30 p.m.

Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3

Mařanová was one of the first Czech artists who began to focus on the Jewish victims of the Holocaust in their work. She was also probably the only Czech artist to deal systematically and to such a scale with the works of Kafka.

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From 07. 02. To 27. 04. 2008

HELLA GUTH: Dissolved Figures

From 07. 02. 2008 to 27. 04. 2008

The Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, Prague 1, U Staré školy 3
From February 7 until April 27, 2008 open daily except Saturdays and Jewish holidays
February 7 – March 28 from 9 a.m. until 4.30 p.m., Marc

Hella Guth was born on the 16th of February 1908 in Kostelní Bříza (Kirchenbirk) near Sokolov (Falkenau) in western Bohemia. At the outset, Hella Guth had almost ideal conditions for launching an independent career as an artist

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From 09. 08. To 21. 10. 2007

"Hope is on the next page" 100 years of the Library of the Jewish Museum in Prague

From 09. 08. 2007 to 21. 10. 2007

Open daily (apart from Saturday and Jewish holidays)1

Kniha hrála v životě Židů vždy důležitou roli. Byly to především soukromé knihovny, které v ghettech vznikaly a které tvořily základy prvních veřejných židovských knihoven zřizovaných v 18. století v Itálii a později v německy hovořících zemích. Mezi první takovéto patří knihovna pražské Židovské náboženské obce.

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From 03. 05. To 22. 07. 2007

“Since then I believe in fate …” Transports of Protectorate Jews to Poland, 1941–1942

From 03. 05. 2007 to 22. 07. 2007

The Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, Prague 1, U Staré školy 3
From May 3 until July 22, 2007, open daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. except Saturdays and
Jewish holidays.

Following on from an earlier exhibition that dealt with the deportations of Czech Jews to the Baltic States in the first half of 1942, this exhibition focuses on the fate of the transports that took thousands of prisoners to the occupied territory of Poland in 1941–1942.

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From 09. 11. To 03. 12. 2006

Jewish Education

From 09. 11. 2006 to 03. 12. 2006

Pedagogical Museum of J. A. Comenius, Valdštejnská 20, Prague 1
From November 9 until December 3, 2006. Open daily except Mondays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The tradition of Jewish education stretches back to biblical times. One of the basic duties of the father is to provide for the instruction of his children, guiding their first steps towards a religious life and later enabling their sons’ education in Jewish schools. 

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From 26. 10. To 28. 01. 2006

The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls: Czech Torah Scrolls and Binders from the Memorial Scrolls Trust in London and the Jewish Museum in Prague

From 26. 10. 2006 to 28. 01. 2007

Exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Museum in Prague
Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Prague 1
From October 26, 2006 till January 28, 2007, open daily 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. except for Satur

It would be hard to find an object that presents the Jewish culture and religion more aptly than the Torah scroll. The reading from a parchment manuscript which contains the Hebrew text of the Five Books of Moses – the Divine Teaching handed over to the people of Israel – is the central moment in the Jewish synagogue liturgy.

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From 26. 10. To 28. 01. 2006

The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls

From 26. 10. 2006 to 28. 01. 2007

From October 26, 2006 till January 28, 2007, open daily 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. except for Saturdays and Jewish holidays, Robert Guttmann Gallery.

The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls
Czech Torah Scrolls and Binders from the Memorial Scrolls Trust in London and the Jewish Museum in Prague

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