Exhibitions archive

Melissa Shiff - ARK / ARCHA
From 14. 09. 2006 to 31. 01. 2007
September 14, 2006 – January 2007
Jewish Museum in Prague - former Small Pinkas Street, at the intersection of Valentinská and Široká.
"The museum functions as Noah's Ark did in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) -- to salvage and save what might otherwise be destroyed by natural disaster and catastrophe. Therefore ARK seemed to be the perfect metaphor for a project about the museum and particularly about this museum that was able to salvage thousands and thousands of objects during the Holocaust."

Defying the Beast: The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1906-1940
From 17. 08. 2006 to 06. 10. 2006
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, Praha 1, U Staré školy 3
From August 17 until October 6, 2006, open daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. except Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
The Jewish Museum in Prague in one of the oldest such institutions in Europe. Yet it was not the first to be established in what was to become Czechoslovakia. That distinction belongs to the Jewish Community of Mladá Boleslav who several years earlier put together a small collection of ritual objects that were not in use. The Jewish Museum in Prague, however, represented the true beginning of Jewish museology in the country.

Form of the Scroll
From 22. 06. 2006 to 26. 07. 2006
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, Praha 1, U Staré školy 3
June 22 – July 26, 2006, open daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. except Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
If we were to seek a material object that most aptly symbolizes Jewish culture, we would probably choose the Torah scroll. This strip of parchment contains the Hebrew text of the Pentateuch, the public reading of which constitutes the core of the synagogue liturgy. Both the text and the object itself have a unique position in the Jewish religion and are considered to be holy.

Images Of The Prague Ghetto: Exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Museum in Prague
From 17. 05. 2006 to 02. 08. 2006
City of Prague Museum, Na Poříčí 52, 180 00 Prague 8
May 17 – August 2, 2006. Daily except Mondays, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The exhibition Images of the Prague Ghetto brings together 200 unique images, dating from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, which give a vivid picture of the main monuments of Prague’s Jewish Town.

Mazal Tov – Good Luck: Jewish Wedding Ceremonies – Past and Present
From 06. 04. 2006 to 04. 06. 2006
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, Praha 1, U Staré školy 3
April 6 – June 4, 2006, open daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. except Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
This exhibition, which has been several years in preparation, focuses on the course and attributes of the traditional wedding ceremony of Ashkenazi Jews. The photographs, garments, rings, contracts and many other items on display provide an overall picture of one of the most important events in the life cycle of every individual and show how the wedding has been celebrated by the Jewish community in the past and present.

MELISSA SHIFF Reframing Ritual: Postmodern Jewish Wedding
From 06. 04. 2006 to 04. 06. 2006
Main aisle of the Spanish Synagogue
April 6 – June 4, 2006, open daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. except Saturdays and Jewish holidays
The project of young Canadian artist, Melissa Shiff, offers an alternative look at a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. Led by an effort to enliven the rigid ritual practice that has remained unchanged for centuries and the desire to give it a new meaning that can be sustainable in today’s plurality of opinions and identities, the artist has decided to prepare her own wedding as an experimental ‘live performance’.

The man who never gave up: The story of Josef Polák (1886-1945)
From 02. 02. 2006 to 19. 03. 2006
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Prague 1
February 2 – March 19, 2006, every day except Saturdays 9 a.m. – 4.30, p.m.
This is the story of a man who devoted his life to advocating ideals in the real world. A man who prioritised putting the ideas of Masaryk’s Czechoslovakia into practice before pursuing his own interests. A man who actively and tirelessly worked for the benefit of society. A man who managed to rise above nationalities, languages, creeds and party allegiance. A man who did not hesitate to put his own life at risk in the struggle against the enemy. A man who never gave up.

Year of Jewish Culture - 100 Years of the Jewish Museum in Prague
From 01. 01. 2006 to 31. 12. 2006
January - December 2006
The year 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish Museum in Prague. During the momentous occasion of this important anniversary, the Jewish Museum has approached other cultural institutions in the Czech Republic, as well as artists, Jewish communities and public officials for their support. Together with the contribution of several embassies and foreign cultural centres, the Museum has prepared the „Year of Jewish Culture – 100 Years of the Jewish Museum in Prague“, a yearlong project that will take place all across the country.

From 17. 11. 2005 to 15. 01. 2006
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Prague 1
11/17/2005 – 1/15/2006, daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except Saturdays)
The images shown on this web page are taken from media artist Michael Bielický’s unique telematic installation This Year in Jerusalem at the Robert Guttmann Gallery at the Jewish Museum in Prague, which ran from November 17, 2005 through January 15, 2006.

GEORG Jilovsky: Prague Painter and Graphic Artist
From 07. 09. 2005 to 06. 11. 2005
Jewish Museum in Prague, Robert Guttmann Gallery, U Staré školy 3, Prague 1
7 September – 6 November 2005
Jilovsky was born on 15 March 1884 in the Vinohrady district of Prague. His parents, Josef Jilovsky (1852–1921) and Julie (née Heller, 1863–1939), came from small villages in Central Bohemia and moved to Prague shortly before he was born