The entries selection comes from the book “Dictionary of Judaica” (2005), which was written by a group of authors led by Eva Kosáková . Entries were further processed by Jaroslav Kuntoš, Dana Veselská, Olga Sixtová, Michaela Scheibová and Lenka Uličná. The book can be purchased at our e-shop.
Torah binder (Heb. chitul, mapa; Ger. wimpel)
A binder that is wrapped around the Torah scroll* to prevent it from unrolling. It is usually a narrow band of fabric, several metres in length. Some binders are made by cutting up and sewing together the nappy in which a Jewish boy is wrapped during the circumcision. These are made of linen or cotton cloth and have a simple red or blue embroidery with a dedication, which has an established form, spanning the entire width. The embroidered text may be supplemented with ornamental or figural motifs. Such binders are donated to the synagogue on the occasion of the boy’s first visit. Other long binders, made of various kinds of fabrics (satin, damask, velvet), were donated to the synagogue usually by individual persons or societies. A simpler form of binding the scroll is by using a short, wide band of durable fabric that is fastened with buttons or clasps.
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