The entries selection comes from the book “Dictionary of Judaica” (2005), which was written by a group of authors led by Eva Kosáková . Entries were further processed by Jaroslav Kuntoš, Dana Veselská, Olga Sixtová, Michaela Scheibová and Lenka Uličná. The book can be purchased at our e-shop.
Shavuot (Feast of Weeks)
One of the three pilgrimage holidays, celebrated on 6 and 7 Sivan. The holiday derives its name from the seven weeks that separate it from Pesah. The holiday is also known as the Day of the First-Fruits (Yom ha-Bikurim) and Harvest Feast (Chag ha-Katzir), which reflects the agricultural nature of the holiday. Shavuot also commemorates the covenant with God and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai (known as Zman Matan Toratenu). During the holiday, synagogues are decorated with plants and flowers, the Book of Ruth is read from a scroll, and it is customary to eat dairy products (such as pancakes and curd cakes).
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